Thursday, January 28, 2016

Today's Agenda: 1-28-2016

Hello Class,

Welcome to my Exploring Tech Blog!  Every time you come to this class, the first thing you will do (from now on) is GO TO MY BLOG.  From here, you will see what we are doing today.

Today's Agenda:
  1. Log into Typing Club & complete lessons 1-21 
    1. Username: firstnamelastname
    2. Password: ID#
    3. Use all your fingers
    4. No looking at the keyboard!!!!
  2. Log into your CUSD Google account
    1. Email Address: firstinitial lastname
    2. password: ID#
    3. Learn to use email
    4. Send Mrs. Hodge an email
    5. Contacts
    6. Add your classmates to your contacts
    7. Send your classmates an email
  3. Fun to Type Games (free time)

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Post # 40: Last Post of the Year!

Hello Class, and congratulations! You made it to the last post of the year!

For your final post I would like you to tell me what project or activity you liked the most this semester and why.  In addition, I would also like to you explain the project or activity you liked the least and why. Don't forget 5 sentences minimum.  When you are done with your blog, please continue to work on your website project.  It is due!!!  I cannot grade your website if you do not fill out the Website Address form.

Don't forget to turn in your movie permission slip for Thursday!!!!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Post # 39: 1st Radio vs. Technology Today

On this day in 1910, the first radio broadcast was heard by a few people in New York city who had radio receivers. Later in 1915, Lee De Forest, the inventor of the vacuum tube, began to broadcast nightly opera concerts. Compare this early technology of listening to music to that which we have today.  When you are finished with your post, go to Typing Web and complete the lesson titled "Nitro Type Content." Don't forget to complete "Accuracy Drills" if you finish on Tuesday.

We will continue work on our Google Sites today.


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Post #38: National Work Harder Day

January 12th is Work Harder Day. Think of a way that you can work harder today. This can either be at school or at home.  5 sentences minimum and don't forget to add a picture.  When you finish your post, go to Typing Web and complete the lesson titled "Accuracy Drills"  This lesson must be finished by Thursday to receive credit.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Post #37: National Milk Day

Did you know today is NATIONAL MILK DAY?

The first day that milk was delivered in bottles was on January 11, 1878.  Each year, on the anniversary of that day people across the United States observe National Milk Day to celebrate America’s number one beverage.
Here is some milk trivia that you can share with your family and friends:
—  United States and Australia are the world’s largest exporters of milk and milk products.
—  Throughout the world, there are more than 6 billion consumers of milk and milk products.
—  In the Middle Ages, milk was called the virtuous white liquor because alcoholic beverages were more reliable than water.
—  1863 – French chemist and biologist Louis Pasteur invented pasteurization, a method of killing harmful bacteria in beverages and food products.
So Tell Me... Do you like milk?  Why or why not?
When you are done with your post go to and compete the lesson titled
 "Jokes and Laughs."

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Post #36: New Year's Resolution

Happy 2016!  
What are your plans for this year?  
If 2016 is a successful year what will it look like?
Make a New Year’s resolution list that includes 5 goals. They don’t all have to be about school, but at least 2 of them do. When you are finished with your list go to TypingWeb and complete the lesson titled "Numbers Letters Numbers".  Yes, we have a lesson today!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Post #35: Winter Break

Winter Break

For the year's first blog I would like you to write about the top gift or thing that you did over the break. If you wish you may write about both. Please include the Post number, title, 5 sentences, picture and 5 comments on other blogs. When you are finished, go to TypingWeb and complete the lesson titled 
"Skill Builder Drills"