Thursday, November 20, 2014

Post #25: The Turkey's Point of View

Write a letter as a turkey (pretend you are the turkey), convincing people to eat other things besides turkey for Thanksgiving. Include recipes and serving suggestions if you like.
When you are finished, go to TypingWeb and take a typing test.  When you are finished with the typing test, you need to finish and share your Thanksgiving Google Slide Show and share it with me.  
Reminder!!! Your slide show must have: 

  1. Your topic and name on the first slide
  2. 10 slides total
  3. 1 picture on each slide
  4. Animation on each slide
  5. Transitions on each slide

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Post #24: My Ideal Thanksgiving

Today I want you to describe your idea of a perfect Thanksgiving.  Where would you spend it? Who would be with you?  What would you do?  Would you eat traditional Thanksgiving food or something more modern? Describe for me your perfect Thanksgiving day.  When you are done, go to Typing Web and complete the lesson titled "Keyboard Quadrants." At 1:45 I will introduce your next project... Today you will research a Thanksgiving theme topic and create a Google slide show about that topic.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Post #23: Commercial You Can't Stand

What commercial on TV do you dislike beyond all others?  What about it is particularly annoying to you?  Five sentences minimum!!! When you are done, go to five other blogs and comment on them.  You may spend the remainder of the period finishing your "My Media Time" Spreadsheet and Charts.  Don't forget, each sheet must have it's own chart.

The following students have shared the completed assignment:

Hayden Birdsell
Leilani Costa
Joshua Gould
Jimmy Henderson
Nicole Hooper
Isaac Iwahiro
Spencer Kennington
Walker Lawson
Chris Lenocker
Taylor Mallow
Josiah Mendoza


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Post #22: If and when I raise children, I'll never...

Today I want you to finish this thought, "If and when I raise children, I'll never... " Tell me what you will never do as a parent and why.  Is it something that your parents do now?  How does it make you feel?  Remember five sentences minimum and include a picture.  After you are done go to five other blogs and make a comment.  When you are done with the blog go to Typing Web and complete the lesson titled, "Intermediate Wrap Up".   At 1:45 we will be using our "My Media Log" worksheet to enter data into a spreadsheet on Google Drive.  I will explain your assignment later.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Post #21: Veteran's Day Speech

Hearing rousing speeches to honor the military is a frequent occurrence on Veteran's Day. What do you think are some of the important elements of a Vet-Day speech? Who would be a good candidate to make such a speech and why?

When you finish your post, click HERE to take a Veteran's Day Quiz.  Take a screen shot of your quiz results and add it to today's blog post. (I will show the class how to do this).

Once you are done with your post and the quiz, go to Typing Web and take a typing test.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Post #20: Election Day--Why is Voting Important?

You may not realize it, but the first Tuesday in November is always election day in the United States. In 5-6 more years you will be eligible to vote in your first election.  Today I want you to answer a few questions about the election process... 1) Why do we hold elections? 2) What would America be like without a voting system? 3) Why is it important for people vote in elections?  4) The minimum voting age is 18 in the U.S.  Do you think there should be a minimum age to vote?

After you have completed your blog go to Typing Web and complete the lesson titled "Speed Drills"

Monday, November 3, 2014

Post #19: Favorite Disney Movie

Growing up we have all watched a Disney movie at one point or another. Please tell me about one of your favorite Disney movies and discuss why it was your favorite. Tell me a little about the movie, who were the characters, what was the plot, where did you first see it, who did you first see it with and anything else you can tell us.  When you are finished commenting, please begin on Typing Lesson titled "Numbers Letters Numbers"