Monday, April 28, 2014

Blog #24: Interesting Web Story

Hello Class,

Today you will write a blog about the most interesting web story you have heard about recently.  Are there any interesting videos, pictures or stories that have been in the news or on your radar lately?  Don't forget 5 sentences, add a photo, then go out and comment on 5 other blogs.  After you are finished, go to Typing Web and complete the lesson titled "Skill Builder Drills"

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Blog #23: What did you do over Spring Break?

For today's blog I want you to tell me what you did over Spring Break.  Did you go on a vacation, spend time with family, or just hang out at home?  Do you have any family traditions on Easter?  Tell me what you did.  You must have a minimum of at least seven sentences and include a picture.  Remember to use correct punctuation, spelling and capitalization.  Once you have finished go to typing web and complete lesson "Keyboard Quadrants".  When you are done with your typing lesson finish your International Vacation Brochure.  It is due today.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Blog #22: Commercial You Can't Stand

What commercial on TV do you dislike beyond all others?  What about it is particularly annoying to you?  Five sentences minimum!!! When you are done, go to five other blogs and comment on them.  When you are done with your blog to to TypingWeb and complete the lesson titled "Intermediate Wrap Up." When you are done with TypingWeb continue to work on your International Vacation Brochure.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Blog #21: If and when I raise children, I'll never...

Today I want you to finish this thought, "If and when I raise children, I'll never... " Tell me what you will never do as a parent and why.  Is it something that your parents do now?  How does it make you feel?  Remember five sentences minimum and include a picture.  After you are done go to five other blogs and make a comment.  When you are finished blogging you will need to complete the typingweb lesson "Speed Drills"  When you are done with that lesson TAKE A TYPING TEST!!!! When you are done with everything... start working on your brochure.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Blog #20: Favorite Disney Movie

Growing up we have all watched a Disney movie at one point or another. Please tell me about one of your favorite Disney movies and discuss why it was your favorite. Tell me a little about the movie, who were the characters, what was the plot, where did you first see it, who did you first see it with and anything else you can tell us.  When you are finished commenting, please begin on Typing Lesson titled "Numbers Letters Numbers".  .  . We will continue our Pixlr lesson after typing.